I’m finally sharing my list of goals that I created for my recent 101 in 1001 challenge. It only took me 6 months, but here we are!
I’ve always loved making lists. Daily to-do lists. Wanna-read book lists. Travel bucket lists. New-restaurants-to-stuff-my-face-at lists. And the thing I love most about all these lists? Checking things off of them. So weird how that pencil mark (or in all actuality, in more recent years at least, a virtual check mark) can feel just so god-damn satisfying. Hence, another list was born – the 101 in 1001 days bucket list!
START DATE: March 13, 2019
END DATE: December 11, 2021
What is this exactly? Essentially, it’s a list of 101 things I want to complete in 1001 days. I found when I make yearly goals, the time seems to pass right on by (for instance, me every October- “wasn’t January just 2 months ago?”).
So, 1001 days, which equates roughly to 2 ¾ years, is a decent timeline – not too long, and not too short.
It gives me multiple seasons to check things off. Meaning I’ll actually have time to meet some/most of these.
Hopefully, having my list of 101 goals in 1001 days live on my blog for the world to see will light a fire under my butt and motivate me to accomplish them! Some goals will take lots of planning, while others may happen by chance. I’ve been looking back on my list every few weeks or so with the aim to chip away at them slowly but surely.
Sure, things can change in that amount of time, and they probably (and even hopefully) will, but that’s just the fun in it. To see how much I’ve accomplished and changed and grown in what sounds like a long time, but is actually just a few short years of my life.
- Last updated: December 11, 2021
- Goals completed: 57
- Partially completed/in progress: 13
Psst — I have a NEW 101 in 1001 days list! Check that out here!
Personal: (7/16)

1. Do something daring (my own judgement): On our trip to Indonesia I trekked through the woods in search of flesh-eating Komodo dragons (absolutely terrifying), jumped off the second level of our liveaboard boat (after making my husband jump in alone and then psyching myself up for 30 minutes), and wandered throughout the Monkey Forest in Ubud looking for them (those little things are sneaky – and I almost backed out the minute we unexpectedly saw them in town). (accomplished July 2019) ✔️
2. Read/listen to 20 books: DONE! (25/20). I’ve definitely taken up reading (especially audiobooks) during quarantine! I listed out the first bunch I read, but am now using Good Reads instead! ✔️
Books read thus far during this 101 in 1001:
- Michelle Obama’s Becoming (highly recommend the audiobook)
- 7 Love Languages
- Mrs. Everything
- Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
- All the Single Ladies (a must-read for anyone interested in woman’s history and equality)
- Three Women (LOVED – March 2020)
- Normal People (April 2020)
- From the Corner of the Oval (another great, super-fast read, April 2020)
- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (highly recommended – May 2020)
- We’re Gonna Need More Wine (May 2020)
- The Hate U Give (audiobook – May 2020)
- Daisy Jones and the Six (audiobook – May 2020)
- The Greatest Love Story Ever told (audiobook – June 2020)
- Year of Yes (audiobook – June 2020)
- City of Girls (audiobook – June 2020)
- #GIRLBOSS (July 2020)
- Big Summer (July 2020)
- Bad Feminist (July 2020)
- Nothing to See Here (audiobook – July 2020)
- Beach Read (August 2020)
- Dear Girls (audiobook – October 2020)
- All Adults Here (audiobook – October 2020)
- I Was Told it Would Get Easier (audiobook – November 2020)
- The Happy Ever After Playlist (soooo good, audiobook – December 2020)
Currently reading Bad Blood (taking me FOREVER!), and just started Obama’s new book!
3. Take a Spanish class: I’ve started practicing Spanish daily on Duolingo, does that count? I already feel like I’ve learned so much! Had a 31 day streak then got disinterested. But I just completed a 100 day streak so I’m counting this! Now I need to remember to practice before I forget most of it! ✔️
4. Learn to make macarons: I spent a rainy afternoon in the kitchen of a local Parisian in the St. Germaine neighborhood learning all about ganaches, perfect boiling temps, feet, dough ribbons, piping strategies, and coloring techniques (accomplished June 2019, in PARIS, probably the most appropriate place to learn!) ✔️
5. Unplug completely for a full day (no phone, internet, camera, or TV)
6. Get a “real” haircut, not just a trim: I chopped off a few inches (about 4!) and all the dead ends, does that count?! I’m counting it, although I kinda wanna go a bit shorter (June 2019). And then unexpectedly I got a massive haircut in January 2020, with my hair just up to my shoulders! ✔️
7. Take one week off social media: I deleted IG from my phone, and used all my strength to not open up Facebook for an entire week. Then once I reinstalled IG back on my phone, I realized I didn’t even want it there anymore! I’ve gone almost a month with maybe about 25 minutes of IG scrolling. (completed July 2020) ✔️
8. Do a bit of Code Academy and learn some CSS/HTML: Took a free two-hour coding class on General Assembly, and really enjoyed it! Now to do a full class!
9. Join a volunteer program… I’ve been looking into Big Brothers Big Sisters or ASPCA
10. Practice star photography and take a few photos I’m proud of. Realized I definitely don’t have the right equipment, but we did see the milky way (with our naked eyes!!!) and Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in Death Valley National Park! We also got to look through a massive telescope in Borrego Springs and saw different galaxies (which was super cool even if they only looked like little splotches of gray).
11. Take tennis lessons, or at least practice regularly (1x/week counts?)
12. Try skiing (I’ve never been, not even once)
13. Get a Sapphire Reserve Card: FINALLY switched over. Hellloooo lounge access and Global Entry (came in the mail in April 2019) ✔️
14. Get a tattoo: I’ve toyed with this for years; we’ll see if I actually have the balls to ever make it happen.
15. Take a graphics design course
16. Make 5 small routine changes to help the environment: We’ve always been pretty good at recycling, but I’m starting to be more mindful of 1- not letting food go to waste, 2- refusing plastic straws (we bought a bunch of bamboo straws in Bali), 3-educating others on the use of wasting water.
I want to start offsetting my carbon emissions (since I fly more than the average person), and need to look into a reputable company to donate to. ✔️✔️✔️
Health/Fitness/Beauty: (6/13)
17. Do 25 push-ups without fail: Considering I’ve totally slacked off on all things exercise this year (whoops), the fact that I just did 14 push ups (in a row) impresses me. BUT still aiming for 25!
18. 10k steps for 30 consecutive days: I’ve always wanted to do this, and always fell short (sometimes even by weeks). Somehow, I made walking a habit and found 10k steps for 30 days straight to be pretty simple. Since finishing that, I’ve upped by goal to 12k steps for 30 consecutive days, which I easily did as well.
Next was 15k for 30 days, which I actually upped to 20k for the last 20 days before 2020. Yup, I’m crazy. BUT I CRUSHED IT. (10k steps for 30 consecutive days, completed October 14, 2019 | 12k steps for 30 new consecutive days, completed Nov 15 | 15k/20k steps challenge, completed Dec 31) ✔️
19. Lose 10 pounds
20. Run 3 miles nonstop (again)
21. Get standard blood work taken: I’d been putting it off for far too long [out of sheer laziness], and finally took my doctor’s orders, fasted, and got the deed done. If you don’t have your health, you’ve got nothing, right? (May 2019) ✔️
22. Find out my blood type
23. Work on a standard skin routine (for day and night): Skincare has never really been my thing, but since turning 30, it’s an area I think I should start prioritizing. So far, I bought hydrating lotion, eye cream, and a SPF I love (I’m on my way!), but I need to be more consistent about using them. ✔️
24. Incorporate sunscreen into my everyday morning skin routine: Bought it, and have finally gotten into the habit of using it daily! ✔️
25. Perfect my daily 5-minute makeup face: I’m marking this as complete, although I’ll probably never actually perfect it. During those quarantine days of Spring 2020, I practiced a bit and finally found what I think looks super natural and oh so easy, with only a few products! And considering the fact that my eyebrows now look better than ever, that’s a big win as well (only took me 34 years to learn how to fill them in…).✔️
26. Do a headstand (not on the wall)
27. Complete a 12-week BBG routine (or other fitness regimen): I recently completed 6 of 12 weeks of Heather Robertson’s program (exercising 5 times a week on top of my 15k steps!), but I gave up.
28. Drink 64oz water for 30 consecutive days: I ordered and started using a water bottle that marks the time and it’s helped so far! Doing all 30 days was a definite struggle, and I had to pee SO MUCH, but it got easier as the days went on. ✔️ (November – December 2021)
29. Eat completely clean for a week
Family/friends: (7/10)
30. Go on a weekend trip with my immediate family: When I visited my parents and sister in NY this past summer, we got outta town for a few days and drove to Philly. Our weekend was spent at the aquarium, laughing our butts off at Legally Blonde the Musical, and getting drenched in the random downpouring rain. (accomplished June 2019) ✔️
31. Surprise my family in NY: Somehow pulled off a surprise visit to my mom for Mother’s Day — she had no clue I was coming! (completed in May 2021) ✔️
32. Treat my parents to a well-deserved dinner: All-you-can-eat sushi has kinda become our thing, so my sister and I treated one night I was in town! (completed in May 2021) ✔️
33. Go on a sister trip: We planned on something for the spring, but the pandemic happened. Hopefully next year!
34. Make photo album of old family photos: Found as many old photos as I could from all our old computers and compiled them into a photobook for my sister and parents as holiday gifts! Now we don’t have to worry about losing these precious photos! (accomplished December 2020) ✔️
35. Take Max (my little nephew) on an overnight trip
36. Take 3 friend trips: Wow, finished that faster than I thought! We spent the weekend in Vegas with Alli and Dave (for Backstreet Boys of course), did a road trip to Banff and Jasper with Bella, and most recently spent a rainy weekend in Seattle to visit some college friends (Carl + Michelle) we hadn’t seen in years! We also drove down to SLO/Morro Bay with Kona to spend the weekend with some old friends. I also went to Fern Canyon, San Diego, and Olympic National Park with some friends just as obsessed with traveling as I am (hey hey Car and Mel and Rose). ✔️
37. Travel to surprise someone for his or her birthday or holiday: So, this wasn’t actually a true surprise, since my mom kinda ruined it (she texted my sister instead of me – whoops!), but I headed home for my sister’s 30th birthday party! I’m counting it although my mom messed it up! ✔️
38. Reconnect with someone I’ve fallen out of touch with: Feels so good to pick up right where we left off. (Amanda and Vicki, summer 2019) ? ✔️
39. Take max on 5 fun outings: IN PROGRESS (3/5). So far, we’ve taken him to the East Bay for a sticky afternoon of cherry picking in the intense Californian heat and a day on the coast looking for shells, watching harbor seals at Pigeon Point Lighthouse, and eating artichoke bread in Pescadero. We went on a fun few-mile hike to a suspension bridge in Nevada City, too! Gotta plan more days with him!
Marriage: (8/9)
40. Take a cooking class together: We made Mexican street tacos with a chef in Mexico City — such a fun AirBnB experience! On the menu was homemade salsa, homemade tortillas, and bacony steak! Was so fun and so yum! ✔️
41. Hang up some wedding photos: Nope, and I don’t think this ever will. It just feels weird to have our face plastered in our house! We do have one wedding photo of us hanging on the kitchen fridge. <3
42. Finally make homemade sushi: This was one of the things I put on my 6-month challenge (more below), and I’m happy to say we did in fact make sushi! Although we did have exceptional difficulty navigating the Asian Market and our attempt at making sushi rice wasn’t the greatest. We’ll need to try again! We also made homemade ramen from a kit from Ichiran that I bought back when I went to Hong Kong. ✔️
43. Surprise Noah with a fun date night: We had the most delicious (and filling) dinner at House of Prime — a restaurant he’s been dying to go to for oh so long! Those loaded potatoes though…yum! ✔️
44. Go on a picnic: Hmm… should I count the one where we had a Parisian Picnic at home in the living room with the Eiffel Tower on TV during shelter-in-place? Hard to know! But since then, we’ve had a few afternoon picnics by the lake, which was just oh so nice and relaxing. ✔️
45. Go on a weekend trip somewhere and just relax together: We spent a weekend in Mendocino and Fort Bragg, eating breakfast watching the chickens and llamas, and having dinner by the fireplace. The little pup was left at home, and despite missing him a lot, it was nice to reconnect after focusing so much energy and time on him! We took lots of long walks on the headlands and just enjoyed each others company. ✔️
46. Plan (and execute) 5 new date ideas
- Drive-In Movie: We saw ET at the drive-in theatre, which ended up being a great quarantine date-night activity! (May 2020) ✔️
- Hot Chicken Picnic: Mmm.. grabbed some World Famous HotBoys chicken sandwiches and ate by the lake! (September 2020) ✔️
- Hawaiian Night: We made loco moco, sipped mai tais, and stuffed ourselves with malasadas (had to get creative during quarantine and the fact that we couldn’t leave our apartment for over a month due to wildfires) (October 2020) ✔️
- Annual Hot Holiday Bevy and Xmas Lights Walk: It’s kinda become our favorite holiday date night. Pick up a hot drink at Starbucks, then go for a walk down Candy Cane Lane. (December 2020) ✔️
- 80’s Movie Marathon: Noah couldn’t believe all the old movies I’ve never seen, so we made a list and have already watched about 15! Perfect shelter-in-place activity! (ongoing) ✔️
47. Do the 6 month thoughtfulness challenge: We exchanged our papers on Valentines Day 2021, so we’ve got until August to complete everything! So far we’ve made homemade sushi, spent a fun day in the city, put together an epic iced-coffee bar, went to a Yankee Game and more. ✔️
48. Be home for Noah’s bday AND our anniversary 2/3 years:
- Year 1: ❌ (whoops, I was away for both – left the day of our 7th anniversary for London – we celebrated the weekend before, and was in NYC/Boston [I forgot which] for his birthday!)
- Year 2: ✔️ (Celebrated our anniversary with a hike in Pacifica, Mountain Dew margaritas, and a delicious BBQ meal – complete with banana pudding. We spent Noah’s birthday down the coast in Cambria, watching the wacky elephant seals, taking lots of beach walks, and relaxing in Paso on the way home.)
- Year 3: ✔️ (A trendy brunch on our anniversary -Son & Garden!- and we celebrated Noah’s birthday in Maui! We were worried Maui wouldn’t happen, again!, but are so thankful it did of course!)
California: (6/7)
49. Visit 3 of these spots in California: Catalina island, San Diego (3 times!) ✔️, Palm Springs ✔️, Joshua Tree ✔️, Yosemite (again – pref in summer), Lake Tahoe in summer ✔️, Sacramento (a few times) ✔️.
We spent a fun day in San Diego as a day trip from San Clemente, and I have a feeling we’ll be exploring lots more of California in the coming months since all we’re doing are road trips from San Francisco for the foreseeable future.
Finally got to revisit Lake Tahoe in the sunny summer months (we hadn’t been in the summer since we moved to San Francisco — we’ve only been visiting in winter!) We also went on a week-long road trip in SoCal, covering Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, and more.
50. Finally visit Disneyland (I’ve never been!): Not happening, but it’s going on my next 101 in 1001 list!
51. Take tons of photos at the Carlsbad Flower Festival: Finally checked that off my list, and it was more than I ever thought it could be. I’m definitely making the Carlsbad Flower Fields an annual spring tradition. ✔️
52. Check off 10 things on my San Francisco Bay Area Bucket List: COMPLETED (14/10) ✔️
- walked through Lovers Lane/Andy Goldsworthy’s Wood Line (July 2020)
- take a photo with the pretty bougainvillea house (August 2020)
- pick some sunflowers in Half Moon Bay and fun through the fields (September 2020)
- checked out the Christmas lights in the city, including Tom + Jerry’s house! (December 2020)
- slurped clam chowder from a sourdough bread bowl from Boudin (December 2020)
- hiked the Batteries to Bluffs trail, and my calves felt it! (February 2021)
- admired the magnolias in full bloom at the SF Botanical Garden (February 2021)
- ran through the wild mustard fields in Half Moon Bay (February 2021)
- spent a morning amongst the art at the SF MOMA (May 2021)
- went on the Ferris wheel in Golden Gate Park (May 2021)
- checked out the Van Gough exhibit (May 2021)
- epic high tea at The Rotunda (July 2021)
- delicious steak dinner at House of Prime Rib (August 2021)
- practiced yoga at Grace Cathedral (August 2021)
53. Try 10 new restaurants in SF: (13/10) I always seem to go to the same ones, and despite how delicious they are, I should really be taking advantage of all this city has to offer.
Since March 2019, I’ve tried out Cala Mexican, Dumpling Kitchen, Kitchen Story, Jane, Ramenwell, Blackwood, Tsuta Japanese Noodles, Mozzeria, Burma Love (although I’ve had my fair share of Burma Superstar – same owners), and Media Noche (OMG so good). Always adding new ones to my SF Food Bucket List.
We’ve also been trying to support some restaurants with outdoor dining in SF, and we’ve checked out Suppenkuche, Foreign Cinema, a Mano, and Original Joe’s for their delicious butter cake! ✔️
54. Eat at the French laundry Snag an egg tart from GGB: This originally was “eat at the french laundry” in Napa, but after doing some research and learning it’s ~$300 a head, I realized that’s not really my scene anyways and I’d rather stuff myself silly with $2.50 egg tarts instead. And that I did – 3 in total. More things on my SF dessert bucket list here. ✔️
55. See beach blanket Babylon before the show ends in December 2019: At first all I was able to get was one ticket for myself, but after calling like a mad woman 3,758 times, I finally snagged tickets for the both of us! Persistence pays off! And the show was absolutely hysterical – Noah even loved it! (completed November 2019) ✔️
Travel: (8/14)

56. 8 new countries: So far, we’ve visited Panama and Indonesia since I’ve started this 101 in 1001 list. We headed to Japan in November 2019, although that doesn’t count since we’ve already been there. We had plans to visit Jordan in Spring 2020 and Kenya and Tanzania in Summer 2020, but those trips obviously got cancelled, so wahhh… ✔️✔️
57. 5 new states: I’ve got my eye on Boise (Idaho), Glacier National Park (Montana), Yellowstone + Grand Teton (Wyoming), White Sands (New Mexico), and Savannah (Georgia). While the current health crisis made this kinda hard, we had solid plans to visit Nashville (Tennessee) for the first time, but had to cancel because the virus got SO bad over there 🙁 so I went to Cabo with friends instead, haha.
58. 1 new continent: the only ones left are South America, Australia, and Antarctica — we’ll see
59. 3 (new-to-me) US National Parks: (4/3) I went on a girls trip up north to hike Fern Canyon in August 2020, and we hung out in Redwood National Park for a bit as well! Never have I ever felt so tiny — those towering redwoods were taller than I could have ever imagined!
The husband and I attempted to visit Sequoia in August 2020, but that didn’t happen because of the wildfires. We did make it to Death Valley in November 2020, though! Those salt flats were something else!
Just recently, we hit up Joshua Tree National Park as a day trip from Palm Springs, and then I went hiking with some friends at Pinnacles National Park!
We bought the Parks Pass so I’m hoping that encourages us to get out there! ✔️✔️✔️✔️
60. Explore more of Canada: After falling hard for my neighbor up north, I realized I’d like to spend more time there (both revisiting my favorites of Banff in winter/Montreal/Quebec), and some new spots.
So far, I re-visited Banff in August 2019 with a friend, and am hoping to make it to Churchill to see the polar bears in the near-ish future! I’m counting this as completed if I end up in Canada 3 times during the course of these 2 ½ years.
61. Explore more of Mexico: Just like my new-found obsession with Canada, I want to make it a priority to see more of Mexico. After visiting Mexico City, San Miguel de Allende, and Oaxaca last Christmas, I’m currently scheming how to get myself back there sooner than later.
For my 33rd birthday, we visited La Paz and Todos Santos in Baja California Sur, which we absolutely loved (released sea turtles into the ocean, watched unbelievable sunset on the malecon, went whale watching in Magdelena Bay, and even swam with a whale shark!
We recently took a cheeky little trip to San Jose del Cabo, where we sipped too many mojitos/margaritas, ate too many tacos, and even slept in a treehouse a few nights! And then I semi-spontaneously ended up on a girl’s trip to Los Cabos (again!) for a friend’s birthday which was all kinds of fun (especially the clear boat to the arch!)
Heading down for Dia de los Muertos is high on my list – we’ll see if I can get there for that! Aiming to visit 3 new spots in the next few years. ✔️
62. Birthday trip for:
- 33: La Paz and Todos Santos, Baja California Sur (Mexico) ✔️
- 34: Oahu, Hawaii (saw Hawaiian monk seals!!!!) ✔️
63. See the Northern Lights
64. Cross 2 things off my animal bucket list:
- I saw the monarch migration in Santa Cruz, and it was absolutely mesmerizing watching the butterflies fly overhead. Thousands upon thousands of them! (November 2019).
- We also swam with manatees in Crystal River, Florida, and these docile creatures were so much fun to observe! (December 2019).
- For my birthday, we checked off a few animal encounters: releasing baby sea turtles in Todos Santos, grey whale watching in Magdelena Bay, and swimming with whale sharks (Jan/Feb 2020)!
- In Oahu we saw sea turtles resting on the beach on the North Shore, and even got to see 2 monk seals (including one of the 5 babies born last year) — a super special experience! (January 2021) ✔️
65. Get global entry and TSA pre-check: It was about friggin’ time, as my husband had been nagging me to get both for YEARS. After deciding to switch over to the Chase Sapphire Reserve (which comes with a credit for Global Entry), I finally applied, and then finallllly officially received Global Entry and TSA pre-check in July 2019 (had to wait months for conditional approval). ✔️
66. Go on a fall foliage trip: We saw tons of color in Fuji Kawaguchiko in Japan in November 2019 (which was downright beautiful), and we tried Denver in October 2020 but were kinda early/late for the colors. I’m really itching to go on an East Coast road trip though! ✔️
67. Stay at the Laylow (Hawaii): We stayed at this mid-century modern boutique hotel for my birthday and LOVED every second of it! ✔️
68. Have Noah truly pick a destination: He chose Maui for his birthday in June 2021, so that’s where we’re going! ✔️
69. Go on 3 solo trips: I love solo travel, and while I travel most of the time with friends/family, I want to make sure I’m continuing to explore the world myself. Solo trips taken thus far (since starting this 101 in 1001 list): 1. Paris and London in June 2019
Biz and Blog: (8/17)
70. 300,000 PVs/month for 6 consecutive months
71. $10k/month for 6 consecutive months: I’m not shy about my blog income, I even wrote a whole post on it last year! This year, I’m aiming to beat that number, and Mediavine is a huge help! I’m actually not entirely sure where I’m at with this, as my husband takes care of all things financial for the blog – need to ask him about this soon…. but I’m pretty sure I hit it considering my final 2019 earnings. ✔️
72. Out earn current SLP salary: My CFO (aka husband) just finalized my 2019 income reports, and I’m proud to announce that I out-earned my current SLP salary by a bit! Absolutely INSANE. ✔️
73. Finish 30 by 30 post: Figured I should finallllly finish this monster of a post I started FOUR years ago.. haha – the pictures took me forever to find. It was fun to write and will probably be even more fun to read down the line; speaking from experience re-reading my yearly travel recaps (accomplished Oct 2019) ✔️
74. Update 20 old posts: I haven’t really been keeping track of these, but I’m always updating old posts so I’m counting this. :p ✔️
75. Appear/byline in a major news outlet
76. Weed out my Dropbox photos
77. Complete re-design of site: Currently underway, and it’s looking smashing you guys! Can’t wait to show you the final design in the next few months.
Update: Guys, IT’S DONE (March 2020)! I poured so much energy and time into this, and I cannot believe just how exceptional it came out. Check out my favorite pages here: HOME, ABOUT ME, DESTINATIONS, USA, RESOURCES, SHOP, and WORK WITH ME. I’m still in awe e v e r y single time I look at them. ✔️
78. Custom professional logo: Total redo with my new site design! LOVEEEE it! ✔️
79. Order new biz cards
80. Attend a blogging conference: I signed up for a free one during the pandemic, and listened in a bit. BUT then I got asked to SPEAK at Brittany Hennessy’s #INFLUENCER Conference, and I faced my fears and did it! We talked all about my intense love for Mediavine and why you need to focus hard on SEO to get those page views. (March 2021) ✔️
81. Get rid of dates in URLs: This just HAD to be done after YEARS of contemplating. Thank you Performance Foundry for having my back and making sure it all went smoothly. Highly recommend if you’re not sure to make the switch or not! (completed in Fall 2019) ✔️
82. Get a new camera lens
83. Dabble with drone photography
84. Add 10 new itineraries to the blog (7-14 days): IN PROGRESS 7/10 – My ridiculously detailed itineraries are the bread and butter to my site, and what my readers ask for the most. I’ve recently added Panama, Greece, Hawaii, Bali, Northern California, Oahu, and a SoCal Desert Road Trip thus far.
85. Prioritize email marketing list (3,000 subs, up to 1.5k about now, although I haven’t checked in ages…)
86. Make content upgrades (sell/offer my pre-packaged itineraries in pretty PDF)
For fun: (6/11)
87. Get a puppy: Considering how much we travel this may be hard, but we’ve been wanting a cute pup for a while now, so we’ll just have to see what happens! So excited to announce we adopted a puppy in late December 2019, and this little ball of fluff is my everything. Say hi to Kona on IG! ✔️
88. Take a chocolate making class
89. Catch up on my photo books (5+ major trips): IN PROGRESS: Photo books have been my digital scrapbooking of choice, although they take me a year and a day to complete. I’m currently YEARS behind, which makes me somewhat upset. Since starting this list, I’ve completed one, our trip to Norway.
90. See 5 musicals: Actually saw 6! I kinda went on a Broadway kick recently, and have seen 1. Hamilton (San Francisco, April 2019), 2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (San Francisco, April 2019), 3. Lion King (London, June 2019), 4. Mamma Mia (London, June 2019), 5. Beautiful (NYC, June 2019), 6. Legally Blonde (Philly, June 2019) ✔️
91. Do a sunrise hike: That sunrise trek on Padar Island in Komodo National Park tested our limits (more so emotionally than physically), but it was one of the most beautiful sunrises I’ve seen (July 2019- Padar island, Komodo NP) ✔️
92. Go to an amusement park and ride all the rides
93. See 5 concerts (one including Thomas Rhett, Sam Hunt, or John Mayer): 1) Backstreet Boys (April 2019 in Vegas), 2) DMB (September 2019), 3) USHER (October 2019 fo’ free @ Rakuten Optimism), 4) Lizzo/Halsy (@Poptopia, December 2019), 5) USHER again (July 2021 in Las Vegas), 6) Andrew McMahon (October 2021 in SF), 7) Maroon 5 (October 2021) COMPLETED 6/5 so far. Unfortunately had to cancel a whole bunch in Summer 2020 due to the pandemic. ✔️
94. Go wild at a music festival (never been, not even once!): We scored tickets to Lovers and Friends festival in Las Vegas for next May, so I’m putting this on my next 101 in 1001 list!
95. Get a real monstera plant ?: I’ve always had a thing for tropical plants. I mean, doesn’t everyone have a favorite leaf? Am I the only one?! It’s been a dream of mine to actually own a real-life Monstera plant (and yes, I already have a fake one), and I’m proud to say it’s been over a year and it’s still alive and kicking – knock on wood. (accomplished September 2019, thanks Lia!!!) ✔️
96. Reach Level 1500 in Candy Crush: I mean, we all have a few ridiculous, non-meaningful goals, right? I started playing Candy Crush back in the day, stopped for a few years, then started again about a year ago. But why the goal? I have no clue.
Considering how much I play when I travel (to pass the time on planes, buses, etc), I figured I’d make a goal to reach a particular level and then STOP/go cold turkey once I reach it. We’ll see if that happens – I’m kinda addicted.
[Current level as of June 12, 2019: 1,075 | October 26: 1287 | December 2: 1309 | January 5, 2020: 1364 | June 14: 1396 | August 3: 1440 | September 16: 1500 (!!!) – DONE ✔️Home: (2/5)
97. Hang up photos/decorate
- dining room ✔️
- master bed ✔️ – not completely done, but getting started!
- both bathrooms ✔️
98. Finish organizing dresser drawers (Marie Kondo)
99. Go through all my clothes and donate/get rid of about 1/3
100. Same with sneakers – decrease by about 1/3
101. Redo both bathrooms: Finally finished – contractors started in September (a great quarantine project!) and they look absolutely amazing. SO happy with the finished look! I feel like I’m showering in a 5-star hotel bathroom every day now! (December 2020) ✔️