My first year of graduate school was over. OVER! A fun-filled year full of editing papers, critiquing journal articles, studying the anatomy and physiology from the waist up in detail (Incus, Malleus, and Stapes? Anyone? Anyone?) and basically accepting the fact that my social life was long gone.
So when our trip to Punta Cana was finally here, it was about time. Pools, the private beach, unlimited cocktails (and food), basically the works. It was time I was able to enjoy myself, damnit! So when we first arrived at our resort and I looked out at the view from our balcony, I was beyond ecstatic.
Our days were mainly spent laying on the beach, splish-splashing in the pool, eating, and drinking drinking drinking. With a little snorkeling, kayaking, and parasailing in between.
It was absolute bliss under our own canopy, which we were really thankful for. The sun was SO strong, and even with our sunscreen slabbed on we could feel our skin heating up, so under the hut it was during the peak hours of the day. And we didn’t move for hours, hours I tell you… and this was a normal everyday occurrence.
That’s great and all, but where’s the bar?
Good thing you asked! We had our own waitress right on the beach, her name was Belkis. She was at our beckin’ call all hours of the day- haha just kidding, but she was super friendly and helpful when it came to getting towels or putting in our (numerous) drink orders. She even encouraged us to get married there, ha! And we weren’t even engaged at that point!
So thanks Belkis, we loved you!
After some beach time of relaxing/sleeping with the occasional dip in the crystal clear waters, we decided to go on walks a few days. And we found pink sand! More like small crystals of shell, but well, being a girly girl and all, I was pretty excited! I’ve seen pink sand before (at Horseshoe Bay in Bermuda), and I know its not a rare occurrence. But when you look down and voila, there it is staring at you in the face, (not expecting it), it’s pretty darn exciting! Funny how the little things in life make me so incredibly glad. I was so happy I slathered myself in it, no joke. Ask N. He’ll tell you what a weirdo I am.
Stuff like this really excites me! It’s the small things in life (literally and figuratively).
And then of course, back under our canopy we went! Sipping banana mamas (ron blanco, crema de coco, jugo de pina, banana, and grenadina) and my newly discovered favorite, the Dori Monkey (a delicious blend of vodka, licor de cafe, crema de coco, banana, and chorrito de chocolate). After listing the ingredients of both, I now see just how similar they are! A girl always knows what she likes!
Never having a professional massage before, I was exceptionally happy when N. suggested we get a couples massage on the beach! It was all that I wished for and more. Laying on the bed, hearing the waves crash only a few short feet away, with N. right at my side, enjoying the same thing.
Since we went in the off season (May to be exact, before kids get out of school and summer vacation officially begins), the resort wasn’t very crowded. This meant we were able to enjoy the entire pool to ourselves a few afternoon! What a treat this was… until the sky turned black and we thought it would start to downpour. Thankfully the rain held out until the middle of the night.
Watch out for the next post: Parasailing in Punta Cana
Let's go back! Pretty please?!?!?!
What a cool trip Jess. The small things are it, literally. Being in a place you love doing simple things is bliss for me. I need almost nothing since I am a full time digital nomad. Rocking post.