I love sunsets. The way the large mass dissolves into the ocean, turning the sky an array of beautiful colors. So when I figured out we wouldn’t be able to see the sunset from our balcony in Punta Cana, I was pretty bummed. But when I realized we could in fact watch the sunrise from our room, I was pleased with myself. Watching the sun rise was the next best thing, I decided, and actually something I had never done before.
I made it my priority to find out the time of sunrise for the following morning. We were lucky enough to use the resorts’ computer free of charge due to the upgrade package we bought. Hello Expedia!
That was the lucky time of the sunrise the next morning. You should have seen the look on N.’s face when I asked him if he wanted to wake up with me. He gave me the “Jess are you kidding me? Absolutely not, I’m on vacation” face, which was actually more like a dirty look. I don’t blame him, and obviously things of this sort are more of my thing, not his. Clearly, I was on my own in this.
I woke up at 5:30AM the following morning, not wanting to miss anything. It was still pitch black outside. Then slowly, out in the distance, right above the crystal clear waters, the sun came peeking through, showing its glow surely but slowly. I wanted more. It was absolutely amazing. The way the entire sky looked with the swaying palm trees in my view. It was breathtaking. Too bad N. missed it. At least he gets to see the stunning photos I took, albeit half sleeping photos. They came out pretty good, if I have to say so myself.
I actually attempted to wake N. up while the sun was rising into the morning sky. Stumbling out of bed, he looked out for about 3 seconds, then ran back into bed. I should have known. My husband is not a morning person. Especially when he doesn’t have a real reason to wake up.
This was a real enough reason for me though.
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