The restored historical buildings at the western tip of the island were beautiful as well.
I’ll sure take that into consideration when I’m stuck with the seagulls and seaweed at an Atlantic Ocean beach now!
The boat docked in The West End (King’s Wharf), where the Royal Naval Dockyard awaits. We decided to hop on a tram and ride to another part of the island, Hamilton, where we were able to see some of the ships from the Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge 2009 and the Bermuda Regiment perform. Tall Ships Bermuda is an organization which partakes in the Atlantic Challenge, which is a race from Spain, stopping in Bermuda and other ports along the east coast of the US, and ending in Northern Ireland. Tall Ships 2009 celebrated the 400th year of Bermuda’s permanent settlement. It was amazing to be part of the excitement, although being super crowded.
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