If you’re reading this you most likely have a full time job and haven’t quit this said job to travel the world. Good for you- as you’re one of the few people who actually realize you can in fact travel to your dream destination(s) while still maintaining your day job. You wake up early (sometimes before the sun comes up), commute too long to your office, and attend meetings and conferences all day. In simple terms, you work damn hard for your money. You deserve to be pampered all other days (#kingorqueenstatus).
Treat yo’ self!
And now think about the time you do get off from work. You’ve been planning your dream trip for a few too many months (I’m guilty of this) with fingers crossed everything goes as planned. Do you want to start off your dream trip cramped sitting next to that undesired guy in coach for 12 hours? I don’t think so. I’ve only had the opportunity to fly First Class a handful of times, and let me tell you, the service, food, and quality was top-notch. A+++ in my book. Worth it every time. A few reasons to shell out the extra dough:
1. Make it memorable
Do you think I remember each and every flight I’ve been on over the course of my life? (On average, I take approximately 10-15 flights each year). Of course not. There’s one exception. I DO remember those times I’ve been sitting up front in First Class. The experience is just that much more memorable when you honestly feel like a queen or king for a day.
2. Never go hungry
When you sit in First or Business Class, you are actually supplied with meals, unlike the requirement to pay for them in the back of the plane. And you know what? These meals are more than edible – they’re quite tasty! AND some airlines give out ice cream. The true key to my heart. I remember waking up from a nap (quite comfy, I must add) being asked if I would like a vanilla chocolate chip raspberry cone. Yes, please!
Note: If you have any dietary restrictions, make a note of them as the airline will be happy to assist you.
It’s definitely not the same as poolside tacos in Mexico, but it’s better than any food you’ll get in Coach.
3. Rest easily
The absolute worst part of long haul travel? Not getting enough sleep (or any sleep at all), and wasting your precious vacation hours ridiculously tired. I’ve been known to sleep for hours after landing in New York on a red-eye, where I should have in fact been sleeping the whole time. I’m usually ready for adventure, but hey, this girl needs her sleep. Imagine a private lay-flat bed with comfortable pillows and a duvet – I’d be able to fall asleep with that set up any time of day.
4. Lounge access
Imagine waiting to board the plane on comfy couches with fresh squeezed orange juice or some wine in hand. In recent years, lounges around the world have really outdone themselves, some sporting massage areas and ice cream, my favorite. What better way to start your vacation than with some gelato?! Additionally, most lounges will supply their guests will free hi-speed wi-fi, alcoholic drinks of choice, snacks, and areas to shower and freshen up. Say goodbye to those hard, uncomfortable chairs and $6 water bottles. A First or Business Class ticket will give you access into these unforgettable spaces.
5. More value than you realize
When you are paying for a First or Business Class ticket, you aren’t just shelling out extra dough for the actual seat cushion. As noted above, you receive a ton of extras (free lounge access with meals, free luggage, unlimited alcohol and movies on the plane, etc). Add up all those extra expenses you would most likely be paying for and there you go! If you manage to get a good deal, that extra money doesn’t seem that terrible, right?
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