I’m a professional world traveler.
Aspiring photographer.
Frozen yogurt and Nutella addict.
Lover of new destinations
and experiences.
AND I have a full-time job.
Hi, I’m Jessica. And I am a part-time traveler. Nice to meet you, and look, we most likely already have something in common! (Having jobs and all…)
I have a strong desire to see the world, but like most of us, I have limited vacation days.
I’m here to show you that controlling your wanderlust and discovering new exciting places with a full-time 9-5 job (or 7am-4pm in my case) is more than possible. You just need the right tools and enough motivation and inspiration to get yourself off the couch and into the world!
Sure, it’s not easy weaving travel in and out of my already crazy-hectic life.
But trust me, a Job + Travel = Possible! (You just have to really, really, really want it.)
While I am unable to travel to as many places as those who live a nomadic lifestyle (it’s just not possible), I do get my fair share of exploring done. And I’m lucky that I’ve lived in one of the greatest cities in the world for 27 years >> New York City, and just moved to another great city >> San Francisco (which both have 2 major airports within a few miles of my apartments – double bonus!)
✈︎ I just moved! ✈︎
[button size=”medium” url=”https://apassionandapassport.com/san-francisco-bucket-list/” text=”Check out my San Francisco Bay Area Bucket List!” target=”” color=”000000″ ]
Am I okay with this? In one word, yes. I like having my own space to decorate, enjoy my job (most days), and love that homey feeling I get when I open my fridge and have all the ingredients to prepare my favorite meal. Plus, I don’t think I would survive without my (memory foam) bed and pillow most days.
While I do consider myself lucky that I’m able to take numerous weekend trips throughout the year in addition to the ~2-week once-in-a-lifetime vacation (including Greece, Israel, and Hawaii, being some of my favorites) with my husband every summer (+ others here and there, like that unexpected trip to Belize), it is possible because I’ve made travel a priority. A big fat priority. It’s pretty high up there on the list, right next to Nutella and snorkeling with sea turtles.
Am I rich? > Nope. Did I inherit money from relatives? > Zilch. Win the lotto? > Negative. My husband and I just work really hard throughout the year, and save, save, save.
I gave up expensive coffee drinks, mani pedis, and shopping at the mall every weekend in order to save up for travel. Is it worth it? Yes, yes, yes.
I completely feel that maintaining a job (and full-time at that) while controlling that itch we all have to explore is 110% possible!
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***Want to learn even more about me? Check out the numerous interviews I’ve done. Please shoot me an e-mail to [email protected] or complete the Contact Me form or to say hello or for information regarding press trips and advertising opportunities.
Thanks for visiting. Feel free to stay a while!
Jessica Kay
Feel free to follow me on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or check out my photos on Instagram. Happy Travels!