This post is geared towards those living in the USA with a US passport. You didn’t think I wasn’t going to do anything for Independence Day (July 4th) here in America, did you?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Now where are the cupcakes? Say what?!
So many people like to get away for the 4th of July, forgoing the barbecues and fireworks. But it doesn’t have to be like that!!! There are plenty of places within the US of A that we, as Americans can go, with our handy little blue notebooks (I’m talking about passports here people, obviously).
Don’t have a passport? Didn’t feel like filling out all the paperwork? Or standing in line to get your photo taken? Have you just been too lazy to go through the whole process? Well get the passport forms here (hey, that’s one excuse down the drain!), pick up that pen sitting right next to you (or simply apply online), and fill it out! For your own good (and slightly mine, so the international travel posts I write don’t go to waste!)
So, you’re probably thinking, “Where can I go without a passport?”
Want to travel before that handy little blue book shows up in your mailbox? I have compiled my top 10 places to go, whether you are in search of culture, adventure, or just need a break from it all (aka sitting on the beach with a cocktail).
I’ll be the first to admit, I take my own country’s unique and vast destinations for granted. I feel that the culture and sites I’m yearning for can’t be found within the borders of the USA. Only being to about a dozen states myself, I realized I shouldn’t hold this preconceived notion. After a tad bit research, I was pleasantly mistaken.
1. Puerto Rico
2. St. Thomas (USVI)
3. St. John (USVI)
4. St. Croix (USVI)
5. Hawaii
6. Alaska
7. Dry Tortugas/Florida Keys
8. Guam
9. Sanibel island
10. Grand Canyon
And one more, just because it’s July 4th.
11. American Samoa and the Northern Marianas.
Tropical Enough? Well, besides Alaska and the Grand Canyon (obviously). And they all take US dollars, an added bonus!
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